The Bronx keeps creating musical masterpieces. The borough has more talent per square metre than most. It's steeped in sonic history. The birthplace of a culture that shows no signs of slowing down. 'Three Sides To Every Coin' is another fine example of that. What you've got here is the lyrical skills of a certified Bronx Bomber (D-Flow) and a heavy weight producer (Ray West) combining to report back with tales from the place they dwell. D-Flow lyrics are razor sharp delivering hard knock psalms that entertain and enthral in equal measure. The stories he spits bob and weave, drawing you in with the pleasures and pitfalls of street life. It's captivating. Matched with Ray West's production it's enhanced yet further adding another dimension with beats that are rugged yet smooth at the same time. Rays work let's you hear and feel the streets. You are immersed. You can mentally picture traffic buzzing around the streets as the sounds of horns bounce and vibrate off buildings as people go about their daily trials and tribulations. 'Three Sides To Every Coin' is the definition of reality rap, one that will stay etched in your subconscious for a great length of time. Its the sound of traditions being upheld and a culture strengthened by these BX Ambassadors.After a series of great releases in 2015 Red Apples 45 is proud to team up with Strictly Cassette to release another piece to the catalogue, this time bringing it all the way back home to the Bronx with one half of The Ghetto Dwellas & DITC affiliate D-Flow. Pairing the MC with the Red Apples 45 own, producer Ray West they bring you “Three Sides To Every Coin.” Not only a play on words but some insight into the fast pace hustle of NYC’s paper chase. - Chris Cammack

There are many reasons one would strive to get ahead in this town & in this Ep D-Flow breaks down 3 different reasons why one would strive. Hence “Three Sides to Every Coin”

Mixed By Dave Dar , Executive producer AG of DITC & Art work by the legendary Joe Buck the record Contains 3 full songs, 2 instrumentals & one 7 minute instrumental piece by Ray West titled Soliloquy.

This is a very special cassette release brought to you by Red Apples 45 and Strictly Cassette. Only available while supplies last!


Available Now on VINYL DIGITAL

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